Van Twickelostraat 13
7411 SC Deventer
We help companies facing challenges and opportunities
Transactions & Transitions
Corporate Finance
Specialist guidance in acquisitions, sales and financing: because each transaction is unique.
Business Improvement
Practical advice and measurable improvements to your business operations leading to increased scope and value.
Turnaround & Restructuring
Hands on support when times are hard; for when conventional solutions do not work and specific expertise is needed.

News & Insights
What our customers say

Why Catapult?
Entrepreneurship is by its very nature dynamic. It demands flexibility and the ability to improvise. For this you need knowledge, experience and a good measure of intuition.
But sometimes you face exceptional circumstances. You find yourself in uncharted territory. The company may be facing a turning point: a unique opportunity to carry out that once-in-a-lifetime transaction. Or it may be facing an acute threat to its continuity. Whatever the context, the stakes are high.
This is the moment that you need advice; from an independent adviser with the right know-how. Someone who is prepared to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in. Who has worked with numerous other companies and proven that they have the knowledge and attitude necessary to deliver results under exceptional circumstances.